Charité Experimental Liver Berlin

Charité Experimental Surgery and Regenerative Medicine | Sauer

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Charité Experimental Surgery and Regenerative Medicine | Sauer et al.

Liver Surgery Sauer Transplantation
Igor M. Sauer documents the scientific work of his group Experimental Surgery and Regenerative Medicine at CharitĂ© Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany. Igor Maximilian Sauer is a transplant surgeon at the Department of General Visceral and Transplantation Surgery CharitĂ© – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (head: Prof. P. Neuhaus). Beside his clinical work he is directing research in the field of Experimental Surgery and Regenerative Medicine. His research group has focused on cell based therapies and extracorporeal liver support devices for more than a decade. He developed and improved extracorporeal liver support systems based on detoxification techniques and primary human hepatocytes tracking technology for transplanted hepatocytes as well as procedures for decellularization and recellularization of liver tissue. His unit has extensive experience in liver cell culture techniques and provides expertise in large scale human hepatocyte isolation and bioreactor culture. Igor Sauer has a special interest in artificial organs and is a patentee in the field. He is author of more than 90 publications in international peer reviewed journals and book chapters in the field of artificial organs cell culture liver support devices and transplantation. Dr. Sauer is governor of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO) head of the Working Group Liver Support of the ESAO. Since 1998 he has been a member of the Department of General Visceral and Transplantation Surgery under the direction of P. Neuhaus MD. Prior to this he was a general surgery resident at the Clinic for Visceral and Transplantation Surgery at the Hanover Medical School (former Director: R. Pichlmayr MD). He began researching in his chosen field under EM Bücherl MD with the development of an implantable total artificial heart. Igor Sauer is a graduate of the CharitĂ© Medical School.

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Charité Experimental Surgery and Regenerative Medicine | Sauer et al.
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Liver Surgery Sauer Transplantation Support Reality Igor The Mixed Cell Graft Artificial Lct Mirnas Experimental Regenerative Medicine CharitĂuniversitauml;tsmedizin Berlin Visceral He Md Decellularisation Recellularisation Organs Neohybrid Bioartificial Ltx Ltx Virtual We Are Research European Dr M Department General P Neuhaus His School Home News Projects Isolation Culture Futurelab Mrvr Mirna

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Igor M. Sauer documents the scientific work of his group Experimental Surgery and Regenerative Medicine at CharitĂ© Universitätsmedizin Berlin Germany. Igor Maximilian Sauer is a transplant surgeon at the ... Home News Projects Liver Cell Isolation Culture Decellularisation and Recellularisation of Organs Bioartificial Liver Artificial Liver Transplantation Tissue
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Die CharitĂ© Experimental Surgery and Regenerative Medicine | Sauer et al. Öffnungszeiten Berlin können zu Feiertagen wie Karneval (Rosenmontag Faschingsdienstag Aschermittwoch), Valentinstag, Ostern (Gründonnerstag Karfreitag Ostersonntag Ostermontag), Tag der Arbeit und Himmelfahrt abweichen. Wir empfehlen, sich auf der Webseite zu informieren, ob es sich um ein lokales Liver Berlin Geschäft handelt. Bei änderungswünschen zu Erfahrungen und Surgery Test Bewertung und Erfahrungsbericht von CharitĂ© Experimental Surgery and Regenerative Medicine | Sauer et al. Berlin senden Sie uns eine E-Mail. b Schlagworte Support Reality

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